Our adventure to Wild Play can be summed up in one word.. FUN!
I’m a challenge junkie who loves to find and create adventures everywhere. My motto is to Have Fun, Make Memories and Enjoy Life to the Fullest, so Wild Play was the perfect stop to make those things happen. What a great surprise we were all in for, and to be completely honest, much better than I expected, except for the part where I embarrassed myself and pooped my pants somewhere between tree 10 and tree 50. That’s a long story LOL.
Wild Play is an adventure park located in Maple Ridge and is well worth the visit for the young and young at heart! As a group of friends and Bloggers, 20 of us gathered to experience something many of us had never tried before. It was pretty cool standing around with so many people saying, “Really, we’re going up there!”
After a quick hello and short training on how to be safe, we were off to the Kiddie section to prove to our guide that we could manage being thousands of feet in the air. Speaking of guides, the entire staff under the direction of Wendy Mein did an amazing job of making sure we all had a great time. For me, although my fellow bloggers still do not believe me, I intentionally messed up every Grip and Rip test just to show them what not to do! Although a great strategy so I thought, having to go to the very end of the line for re-training was not fun, however I did finally pass the test and was off into the trees with my fellow monkeys.
The coolest part of this crazy Monkey see Monkey do adventure was that it was set up like an obstacle course, never with the same challenge, and constantly getting higher and higher up into the trees. Each challenge became harder as well and were great learning experiences. I also really enjoyed seeing all the park guides watching us to make sure we were all hanging in there. Many great pictures were taken, so enjoy a couple of them below. At the end of the day, we all made it out alive and well – yay!
As a group, we leaped, we clung to trees, we stepped to the edge and jumped! An awesome experience to say the least. Sometimes in life, you just have to “Go for it” and step over the edge into the unknown, and that’s what we did, and by the responses afterwards, I could tell that some pretty awesome memories were made that day.
If you are reading this, do yourself and your family a favor and visit the Wild Play website for more information and to book your own amazing adventure. It will be a very worthwhile experience!
Passionate about helping others discover a purposeful life filled with Grateful Happiness, Robin encourages others to Make Memories and Live Life to the Fullest! He enjoys Spreading Joy, Loving Life, and Making a Difference!